
Latish Sehgal's Blog

BarCamp Dallas Review

I went to my first Barcamp today, held at Improving Enterprises in Dallas. It was a technology agnostic event, and It was good to see the cool things developers on other platforms are playing with. I also gave a condensed version of my BDD talk and it was pretty well received. The following topics were presented:

  • Visual Studio Tips & Tricks by Zain Naboulsi::) Zain covered some useful Visual Studio tips and tricks that he has been outlining on twitter and his blog lately. Of course, the most remarkable shortcut he showed (and nobody in the audience knew about) was that pressing F7 in a command prompt gives a dropdown of all previously executed commands :).
  • Delightful forms plug-in for Ruby On Rails: The speaker outlined his inspiration behind this forms plug-in, and the output looked very clean and user friendly.
  • The CAP theorem by Michael Perry::) Michael gave an overview of the CAP theorem (only 2 out of 3 features from the list of Consistency, Availability and Partition Tolerance can be achieved at one time for a distributed computer system).
  • NoSQL/MongoDb 101.
  • FolderTrack application overview.
  • Less CSS::) allows use of variables, mixins and nested rules in CSS.
  • Windows Phone 7 overview by Chris Koenig.
  • SEO optimization and hacks: This was my favorite session for the day and the presenter showed very impressive hacks and examples for manipulating SEO.
  • Targeting Mobile CSS media.
  • Overview of DallasMakerSpace community::) Another cool presentation about the hackerspace community in Dallas.
  • My BDD talk.

A big thanks to the organizers for putting this up and I look forward to attending this next year.
